特种油气藏 ›› 2023, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 82-91.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-6535.2023.06.011

• 地质勘探 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨艺1, 韩长城1, 李志鹏2, 马存飞3, 李坚2, 樊佳乐1, 程绪辉1, 孙如愿1   

  1. 1.新疆大学,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830017;
    2.中国石化胜利油田分公司,山东 东营 257022;
    3.中国石油大学(华东),山东 青岛 266580
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-18 修回日期:2023-09-28 出版日期:2023-12-25 发布日期:2024-01-19
  • 通讯作者: 韩长城(1984—),男,副教授,博士生导师,2009年毕业于中国石油大学(华东)资源勘查工程专业,2017年毕业于该校地质资源与地质工程专业,获博士学位,现从事沉积储层及地震地质研究工作。
  • 作者简介:杨艺(1997—),女,2019年毕业于东北石油大学地质学专业,现为新疆大学地质资源与地质工程专业在读硕士研究生,研究方向为矿产普查与勘探。
  • 基金资助:

Characteristics of Conversion Sedimentation Controlled by Differential Fault Activity in the Sangonghe Formation in the Moxizhuang Area

Yang Yi1, Han Changcheng1, Li Zhipeng2, Ma Cunfei3, Li Jian2, Fan Jiale1, Cheng Xuhui1, Sun Ruyuan1   

  1. 1. Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830017, China;
    2. Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Company, Dongying, Shandong 257022, China;
    3. China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, Shandong 266580, China
  • Received:2023-01-18 Revised:2023-09-28 Online:2023-12-25 Published:2024-01-19

摘要: 针对莫西庄地区三工河组二段油水分布规律复杂、砂体沉积特征及沉积控制因素认识不清的问题,基于测井、岩心、物性和地震资料,结合断层活动性,对该区沉积特征进行分析,确定沉积控制因素,建立不同时期沉积模式,明确砂岩储层空间位置。研究表明:莫西庄地区发育辫状河三角洲前缘沉积体系,根据沉积特征划分为颗粒支撑砾岩相、砂砾岩相、含砾砂岩相、块状砂岩相、交错层理砂岩相、平行层理砂岩相、水平层理砂岩相、泥岩相等8种岩相和辫状水道、分流间湾、河道砂坝、河口坝、远砂坝、滨浅湖6种沉积微相;在三工河组二段下亚段沉积时期北断层活动强烈,使研究区形成坡折地貌,导致研究区南北地区出现水动力转换沉积特征;在湖平面上升和水动力减弱的背景下,上亚段沉积时期南断层活动加剧,与北断层形成的地堑构造控制了研究区东南部砂体沉积方向的转换,有利砂体的沉积方向转为了近东西向。该研究对判断莫西庄地区砂体储层的空间分布具有指导意义。

关键词: 沉积特征, 断层活动性, 沉积控制因素, 沉积模式, 莫西庄地区, 三工河组

Abstract: In response to the problems of complex oil and water distribution pattern, poor understanding of sand body depositional characteristics and depositional control factors in the second member of the Sangonghe Formation in the Moxizhuang area, the depositional characteristics of the area were analyzed, the depositional control factors were determined, and depositional modes were established in different periods to clarify the spatial location of sandstone reservoirs on the basis of the logging, coring, physical properties and seismic data and in combination with the fault activity. The study shows that in the Moxizhuang area, the braided river delta front sedimentary system is developed, which is divided into 8 kinds of lithofacies such as granularly supported conglomerate facies, sandy conglomerate facies,pebbly sandstone facies massive sandstone facies, cross-laminated sandstone facies, parallel-laminated sandstone facies, horizontal-laminated sandstone facies, mudstone facies and 6 kinds of sedimentary microfacies, such as braided watercourse, interdistributary bay, channel sand bar, mouth bar, distal bar, and shore-shallow lake microfacies according to the sedimentary characteristics; during the depositional period of the lower subsection of the second member of the Sangonghe Formation, the north fault activity was strong, so the slope-break geomorphology was formed in the study area, resulting in hydrodynamic conversion depositional features between the north and south parts of the study area; in the context of the lake level rising and hydrodynamic weakening, the activity of the south fault intensified during the depositional period of the upper subsection, which together with the graben tectonics formed by the north faults controlled the conversion of the deposition direction of the sand body in the southeastern part of the study area, and favored a shift in the depositional direction of the sand body to a nearly east-west direction. This study is of guiding significance in determining the spatial distribution of sand body reservoirs in the Moxizhuang Area.

Key words: sedimentary characteristics, fault activity, sedimentation control factors, sedimentation pattern, Moxizhuang Area, Sangonghe Formation
